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Decision Making Free Essays

Decision-Making Decision-Making Decision-making introduction Excellent decision-making is an essential tool used for management and leadership within an organization. It is important that an organization learns to make appropriate and well-considered decisions; in return the manager will lead the team to spectacular and well deserved success. However, poor decisions made can lead to failure. We will write a custom essay sample on Decision Making or any similar topic only for you Order Now Decision-making is essential to organizations across the globe, especially the health care. When decisions are made in the healthcare effective communication tools are essential for success. Decision-making is a crucial element within the healthcare. This paper will analyze and discuss a rational decision-making process that would be appropriate for a healthcare organization, along with providing quality and risk management tools that will assist the healthcare leaders. Healthcare decision-making According to BusinessDictionary. com decision-making is defined as, â€Å"The thought process of selecting a logical choice from the available options. When trying to make a good decision, a person must weigh the positives and negatives of each option, and consider all the alternatives† (BusinessDictionarty. com, 2012). Decision-making is key to a successful healthcare organization. According to David H. Hickam decision aids are, â€Å"tools that help individuals become involved in decision-making by providing information about the options, outcomes, and by clarifying personal values† (Hickam, 2010, p699/para1). Effective management decision- making takes on the responsibly in a chaotic and difficult healthcare environment. These daily but important decisions facility members make can be life or death for their patients. That is why it is important for healthcare leaders to take on the responsibility of developing quality and risk management tools that suit their organization. These tools and strategies ensure that facility members develop an excellent decision-making skill that allows the healthcare to runs effectively. A great example of decision-making process within the healthcare would be SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis plays an important role within the success of a healthcare organization. It helps healthcare facilities identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats within the organization (MarketingTeacher. com, 2012. These tools help specific and critical thinking to improve objectives and strategy planning. Healthcare quality management tools When running a smooth and successful healthcare organization quality management tools are an important aspect when dealing with decision-making. One tool in particular that helps decision-making would be flowcharts. When the healthcare uses SWOT analysis flowcharts are a visual aid that represents graphical and/or maps. A flowchart allows the organization to see their improvements and/or failures. For example flowcharts could represent the amount of money the organization spent within the past six months. This allows the facility to be involved and aware of their expenses. It also helps organize, solve problems, or miscommunication, and determine if it is logical. This will help bring light redundancies, cut meet deadlines, delays, and indirect pathways. Healthcare risk management tools On the other hand, risk management tools play an important role in the process of decision-making as well. One tool essential in the process of decision-making is risk analysis because analysis in risk management is used to evaluate the incidents. When the healthcare uses SWOT analysis it helps identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the organization to help keep the organization successful. When evaluating incidents within healthcare organizations facility members can convert back to their SWOT analysis, by evaluating the situation members can determine whether it is a weaknesses or threat to the organization. Risk analysis is based on a structured approach to thinking though threats, which than is followed by an evaluation of the possibility and cost of events that have occurred (Mind Tool, 2012). Conclusion In conclusion, decision-making is an important aspect in healthcare organization. SWOT analysis plays a key role in decision-making as well. It allows the healthcare facilities to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunity, and threats within the organization. There are also many quality and risk management tools that help the SWOT analysis and decision-making process run smoothly and successful. Reference BusinessDictionary. com. (2012). Decision Making. Retrieved from http://www. businessdictionary. com/definition/decision-making. html MarketingTeacher. com. (2012). Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunity, and Threats (SWOT) Retrieved from http://marketingteacher. com/lesson-store/lesson-swot. html   Mind Tools. (2012). Risk analysis. Retrieved from http://www. mindtools. com/pages/article/newTMC_07. htm Hickam, D. H. (2010). Medical Decision Making. Decision Aids: Evolving From Novelties to Effective Communication Tools. Retrieved from http://mdm. sagepub. com/content/30/6/699. full. pdf+html How to cite Decision Making, Papers Decision Making Free Essays Decision Making Based on Mission and Vision of an Organization This case study deals with leadership, decision making, and effective communication. Also, how important it is for a President and the staff to work together in a team to solve a problem. Not every decision is the correct resolution, but there are better decisions made when there is a group effort. We will write a custom essay sample on Decision Making or any similar topic only for you Order Now This discussion will be completed through an analysis of the case study on decision making based on Mission and Vision of an Organization. This discussion will determine the best decision making method, the final decision by the President, and how the decision will be communicated to the staff and the public. Community Medical Center is a medical facility dedicated to providing quality patient care with unrelenting attention to clinical excellence, patient safety and an unparalleled passion and commitment to assure the very best healthcare for those we serve. The decision for the President to decide about the case of an operating room nurse, who may have HIV/AIDS, would definitely be a difficult decision. The President needs to provide a news release in 24 hours, and this will put more pressure on making a quick resolution. This would be a difficult task and there is not much time to make a decision. The best solution would be to review the mission statement that the President has utilized, and review the decision making models that will help influence the best decision. Also, a meeting would need to take place with the staff to help decide the best way in figuring out a solution in 24 hours. The decision making models that will help the President in this situation are the Willful Choice Decision-Making Model and the Garbage Can Model. These models will help identify the issue and determine potential solutions. The Willful Choice Decision-Making Model is the first recommendation to help the President and the staff in determining the best solution. According to Johnson (2009) here are the six steps of the willful choice model. 1. Identify the problem 2. Collect data 3. List all possible solutions 4. Text possible solutions 5. Select the best course of action . Implement the solution based on the decision made (Johnson, 2009, p. 215). This is a very systematic approach that can help the President focus on the key issues in the decision making process. The problem is the nurse who contracted HIV/AIDS and how the hospital is at risk of losing the staff, and patients who will be transported to Community Medical Center’s local rival hospital. The President could gather t he data and determine the outcome from each solution. The options are to remove the nurse from his position by relocating the employee to a non-patient area. Although, the nurse refused this offer and wants to continue working the same position. This appears to be an acceptable offer and the employee would continue working and receiving the same pay. The President and the staff would need to select the best course of action, and implement the solution within 24 hours. Another problem is the concern of national media exposure by a main local newspaper. This would cause a major concern by patients and families and hurt the strong reputation of the hospital and the quality of the medical care (Johnson, 2009). The President and the staff have a dilemma where it appears that either option will affect the hospital, staff, and patients. In addition, there is only 24 hours to come up with a decision. Next, the members of the organization need to determine the best course of action, and to implement the best solution. There are four basic principles that are made by choice. They are unambiguous, probability and knowledge of consequences, a rational and consistent priority system for alternative ordering, and heuristics or decision rules to choose an alternative (Johnson, 2009, p. 15). The President and the staff need to look at what the consequences will be for each scenario. They can make a decision by analyzing both situations and determine the probability for each consequence. The President needs to communicate effectively with the staff and this individual needs to be an active listener when deciding how to resolve this problem. The team needs to be able to voice their opinion, and everyone needs to agree with their final decision. If the President needs to provide a news release, He would need to have the ability to communicate effectively. The team needs to do crisis communication planning before the crisis occurs, and be prepared to deal with the world reporting on this crisis (Anonymous, 2010). The decision will be a collectivistic assumption. Since, the decision will be made by a group, and everyone in the staff will have a chance to voice their opinion (Johnson, 2009). The objective is a group consensus, and each person has the ability to communicate and make a difference in the organization. Teams that have more functional interaction, such as problem-solving interaction and action planning, were significantly more satisfied with their meetings (Kauffeld, Lehmann-Willenbrock, 2012). The President is not making the decision alone, and a team that has the ability to problem solve will make better choices. The decision made by the President is based on what the team has expressed, and the resolution would not cause any layoffs. The hospital has a great reputation providing quality care to the patients, and they want to continue providing the same service, and the hospital does not want to lose millions of dollars. The President and the members have decided to continue with the offer by relocating the nurse to a non-patient area. The employee would still have a position in the hospital and receive the same pay and working hours. This is a better decision than terminating the nurse. After reviewing the options, this was the best solution for Community Medical Center in continuing their reputation for the patients and residents in the area. This decision could have a downfall, but I think with that the team made a best decision for this issue. If the members decided to not make any changes with the nurse, the hospital would have lost millions of dollars, many effective employees who made a difference in the community. The President and the members made a decision and not every decision is the most desirable, but a group decision is better than one decision. It takes effective communication, problem solving, and working in a team to come up with the best resolution. This case study showed how to have effective communication within an organization. It takes a team to work together and utilize the decision making models. The staff needs to problem solve effectively, even if there is only a limited amount of time. The President needs to have clear communication, and have the ability in being an active listener. The decisions that are made by team may not always be correct, but there are better resolutions as a group than making decisions just from the President. When a President has a vision and a mission statement, a company has a clear path and the employees will have a better understanding of the direction for the organization. A mission statement is a great way to clarify the intentions of a company. References Johnson, J. (2009). Health organizations: Theories, behavior, and development. Boston: Jones and Bartlett. Kauffeld S, Lehmann-Willenbrock N. Meetings Matter: Effects of Team Meetings on Team and Organizational Success. Small Group Research [serial online]. April 2012;43(2):130-158. Available from: Business Source Elite, Ipswich, MA. Accessed April 2, 2013. What’s your advice for communicating in a crisis? (2010). Communication World, 27(4), 13-13. Retrieved from http://search. proquest. com/docview/519657390? accountid=32521 How to cite Decision Making, Papers

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